Say goodbye to years of chronic
    IT Operations pains.
    IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) is here,
    and gaining strong momentum.
    You Are a Leader - Seize The Opportunity.

Thought Leaders Series

Interviews for The ITOA Landscape


The ITOA50 identifies the top 50 IT Operations Analytics vendors
who have demonstrated their innovation in developing ITOA solutions.

ITOA Thought Leaders

  • IT analytics lets you manage this complexity by turning Big Data inward.

    Jean-Pierre Garbani

    VP and Principal Analyst, Forrester

  • The operational data explosion has sparked a sudden and significant increase in demand for ITOA systems.

    Will Cappelli

    Research VP, Gartner

  • Time is now the enemy because complexity is growing exponentially and inexorably.

    Glenn O'Donnell

    Principal Analyst, Forrester

  • Thought Leader

    Will provide CIOs and senior IT operations managers with a source of operational and business data.

    Colin Fletcher

    Research Director, Gartner

  • Thought Leader

    Powerful analytics provide comprehensive insights.

    Roy Illsley

    Principal Analyst, Ovum

  • Thought Leader

    These tools have solved, and will continue to emerge to solve, specific IT operations problems.

    Jonah Kowall

    Research VP, Gartner

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RT congrats! identified by thought leaders as a top 50 IT Operations Analytics ( ) vendor

RT congrats! selected as a vendor for IT Ops by the Landscape

Check a new (IT Ops Analytics) site. Tons of info on concepts, technology, market and vendors >>

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